Receiver decided to let the magic smoke out of the circuit board last night while playing Gang of Four. While I’m fairly certain that the music choice was not a factor, I am unable to rule it out.
My old and now smokeless unit was about 25 years old and preformed well through it’s life. It lasted through countless house moves, room rearrangements, and general just mucking about.
I need help, what do I replace it with? I’m thinking that I want a WIFI enabled unit, phone input, and option for wireless speakers. Not really sure what else is important. Not even really sure what questions to ask anymore. I currently have Sonos speakers in the main floor of the house and I would like to be able to tie the media room and the main floor together.
Can someone please help me move into the current century of electronics?
Hi Bob! Sorry to hear your amp passed on to another life.
Bit pricey but perhaps these two are more or less along the lines of what you’re looking for:
Cambridge Audio CXA81
Denon PMA-600NE
Hope this helps.
Merry Christmas! 🎄